Pe parcursul marelui succes al HIBRID The REVELATION, s-a pus întrebarea dacă este posibil să se producă o versiune cu prețuri mai mici. Acesta a fost momentul în care a fost creat The REVOLUTION HYBRID : un cablu cu cu aceleași proprietăți sonice, dar cu dimensiuni mai mici.
Garantie: 24 luni
Durata de livrare: 24 - 48 ore
Cablu audio Van den Hul The Revolution Hybrid
Pretul produsului este pe metru
During the great success of The REVELATION HYBRID, there was the question if it was possible to produce a lower priced version.
This was the moment The REVOLUTION HYBRID was born: a single-lead loudspeaker cable with the same sonic properties but smaller in size.
The general construction is the same as with The REVELATION HYBRID:
First an inner group with 308 x 0.14 mm. very high grade Matched Crystal (MC) OFC strands with a dense coating of very pure silver. The inner group exhibits a total metal cross-section area of 4.74 mm².
Covering this core is a Linear Structured Carbon ® (LSC) saturated layer which bridges minor defects and captures and transforms the radiated magnetic field of the inner conductor to an audio signal again.
The helically wound outer conductor structure employs the same silver coated MC OFC metal quality as found in the core and consists of 16 separate conductors, each with 19 strands of 0.11 mm. This produces a metal cross-section area of 2.89 mm². These 16 outer conductors are individually insulated and are standardly wired in parallel with the centre conductor, giving a single lead cable. Their being individually insulated however also allows them to be wired together as a separate signal return. (Versions wired as such and fit with matching connectors are available either as twin-lead speaker cable or as single-ended interconnect on special customer demand).
The outer jacket is made of red HULLIFLEX ® 3, a mechanically superb insulation material.
The REVOLUTION HYBRID can also be used as a fantastic single-ended interconnect in combination with our C - 8.4 RCA type connector.
Sonic report: The REVOLUTION HYBRID renders a very spacious and detailed structure without any specific accent on high frequencies.
The REVOLUTION HYBRID is available in any specified length starting from 1 meter and on 50 m. reels.
Shipping: 1 x 50 m. reel in a 320 x 320 x 310 mm. box with a total shipping weight of 7.72 kg.
Alte specificatii:
Product category: interconnect – Unbalanced; speaker cable - Single-lead, Mid-range
Design purpose: Highest quality loudspeaker cable
Eff conductor: Core: 4.74 mm²; Outer groups combined: 2.89 mm²; Total: 7.63 mm² / Total: AWG 8.4 / Core: 308; Outer 16 groups each: 19
Resistance:Core: 0.364 Ohm/100 m.; Outer groups combined: 0.597 Ohm/100 m.; Both parallel: 0.226 Ohm/100 m.
Connector types: Our 6.5 mm. Ø cable entrance diameter Bus type Universal Speaker Connectors or our 8.3 mm. Ø cable entrance diameter BERRI Bus Connectors; Custom mountable on any length ordered.
Standard sales units: 50 m. reels; 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 meter sets (1 set = 4 leads including connectors); Furthermore available in any specified length starting from 1 meter.
DIAMETRU: 8.0 mm IZOLATIE: Jacket: HULLIFLEX ® 3 / 300 Vrms min. MATERIAL CONDUCTOR: HYBRID: Both centre conductor and outer groups: High purity dense Silver coated high purit MATERIAL: Hybrid TIP: Single lead, multistrand