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Cablu audio Van den Hul SCS - 18
Pretul produsului este pe metru.
The SCS - 18 is an 18 gauge, 19 strand single-lead. Each strand is made of very high grade Matched Crystal (MC) OFC covered with a dense and very pure silver coating.
The resistance of this wire is: 17.8 Ohm/km.
The total metal cross-section area is: 0.97 mm².
The diameter is too small to make a clear type printing on this wire.
The main application area of this wire is internal interconnect wiring in pre and power amplifiers.
Four times SCS - 18 twisted together (with clockwise conductor wiring +-+- = starquad) makes a very fine interconnect.
The insulation voltage rating is 600 Volt RMS and the actual test voltage is 3500 Volt RMS.
The SCS - 18 is available on 100 or 200 meter reels.
Shipping: 1 x 200 m. reel in a 275 x 275 x 220 mm. box with a total shipping weight of 3.21 kg.
Alte specificatii:
Product category: speaker cable - Single-lead, Entry-level; internal wiring
Design purpose: Internal pre & poweramp. (re)wiring / Internal loudspeaker tweeter (re)wiring; DIY interconnect
Eff conductor: 0.97 mm² / AWG 17.3 / 19
Resistance: 17.8 Ohm/km.
Connector types: For a DIY interconnect our C - 5.5 RCA type connector is applicable
Standard sales units: Available in any ordered length and on 100 or 200 m. reels.
CULORI DISPONIBILE: Negru, maro, roșu, portocaliu, galben, verde, albastru, gri și alb DIAMETRU: 1.82 mm IZOLATIE: PTFE / 600 Vrms / 3500 Vrms MATERIAL CONDUCTOR: High purity dense Silver coated high purity Matched Crystal OFC MATERIAL: Silverplated Copper OFC TIP: Single wire, multistrand